Minutes of meeting 15 Feb 2002
Meeting opened 12:30 pm
Present: Daniel Justice, Michelle Osmond, Aleksandar
Trifunovic, Raphael Goldberg, Zhu Tan, Peter Howarth, William Knottenbelt
Progress continues.
Alex - invariant analysis working & demonstrated.
Raphael - state space working - improve memory use?
Michelle - dynamic label creation, animation basis done.
Daniel - adding places etc working. Continued with GUI.
Tan - module interface working, but needs
Meeting (with wjk) closed 1:10pm
Further Discussion
Alex, Raphael and Tan will work together on module interface,
and connecting in the modules. (Alex & Raphael will also continue with
their modules.)
- Want to be able to load in multiple modules at one time, and
also have some loaded on startup (specified by an .ini file or
- Pass reference to JDOM Document (rather than xml file) to
module - eg could implement a subnet-flattening module.
- Could store module results in the Document, as custom XML data,
and also store an md5 checksum of the current state of the file, so
that if the module is run soon after, it can see if its old
results are still valid (and avoid recalculating).
- Pass a reference to an 'interface' object of some sort which
allows the module to communicate back to the main program. Eg: the
module could store data in the object's fields (eg a list of
transitions to fire, or a node to highlight) and then call a
trigger function in the object which acts upon the contents of its
fields (or maybe it could be given instructions as an argument to
the trigger function).
Michelle will continue with the display (priority - arcs and
animation), and extensibility.
Daniel will start on copy, paste, maybe undo functions.
Peter will continue with designing/implementing the subnet system.
Meeting closed 1.25pm
Next meeting: Friday
(22nd Feb), 12pm then 12:30pm with Will