Archive For The “Uncategorized” Category
Stargazy – Revisiting the smart fish tank
By admin | July 1, 2018
(click for the full infographic) ‘Stargazy’ is our second-generation project to develop an aquarium equipment monitor. It connects a series of temperature, pressure and various other sensors to a WiFi enabled Raspberry Pi. The resulting data is forwarded to a separate server for processing, management and storage using Prometheus, with display and alerting through a […]
Dragon Clustering
By michelle | December 11, 2011
Here is an implementation of clustering and dendrogram display in Javascript, with the help of Google Spreadsheets, YQL, Web Workers, node.js, Heroku, and Cloud9IDE. For the Magic the Gathering fans – there’s a shiny new tree of dragons, and also this old thing (with its original tree) which you may find amusing :)